Friday, January 6, 2012

"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." - Wimpy

Happy New Year!

This post is about hamburgers...of the lack thereof.

Pre-vegetarian days, I wasn't a person who lived to eat hamburgers. Sure, I enjoyed a good burger now and again...and avoided the usual fast food burgers. Now that there are some very delicious fast food burgers out there, I do miss enjoying the wonderful taste and experience of eating one.

I have tried my best to find a substitute. Realizing that there would be no vegetarian/vegan substitute for a really good burger...I was hoping there would be some sort of replacement that would be "good enough" to enjoy even though not made from meat. I don't think it is possible, though.

I've made black bean burgers (mushy & unattractive to both the eye and the taste buds), as well as had them in restaurants. I've made garbanzo bean burgers (not as mushy but kind of tasteless, depending on what you add to them). I've purchased and eaten Dr. Prager's California Veggie Burgers, as well. All in all, Dr. Prager's wins for me. You'd think homemade would be the best all around...but not so. Of course, I could be doing something wrong, but since I follow recipes exactly I really do think in this case pre-prepared wins the day. And really, I'm thinking of just skipping the whole veggie/black bean/other bean burgers because if I don't enjoy the food, then what's the point? I'd rather eat a plateful of roasted veggies with rice on the side.

All those vegetarian/vegan food bloggers and cookbook authors out there who offer very elaborate and detailed recipes for burgers not made from beef can try as they might to convince me that theirs is the BEST. I'm not buying it.

So, I just gotta say that if I'm going to eat a burger...then it isn't going to be a veggie burger. And it will be a very delicious and worthwhile burger. For sure.

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