Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My husband & I on our anniversary last year.
Oh, and our little dog, Bentley, too!

Well...it has been ages since I've posted anything here.  I'm ashamed of myself.  It is nothing but laziness and lack of motivation, I can assure you.  

Having just updated a few small things in my profile, I discovered that we (my hubby and I) have been eating vegan (90% of the time) for over 3 years.  I just can't believe it, and I feel accomplished!  We feel good, look good (well, we are slim and as long as we move, as in exercise, we stay slimmer and more in shape and have less aches and pains) and are looking forward to my hubby's retirement in about 6 months.  After which we will figure out what that life will look like and then begin making grand plans for travel and staying as healthy and in shape as we can!  We wish to experience life after retirement, not wind down and glide through to the end.  It's about the journey, right?  Besides, we will have lots of time to go visit our kids, who are living in all different states...and we can go and stay, and stay...LOL.  Just kidding, kids!  ;)  Our grandson is going to be 16 this year, and soon enough will be graduating high school.  Now, I really can't believe THAT!

I do have some additional recipes to post on here...will do so in the coming weeks and months, as long as I can stay motivated.  Not like I'm too busy...I just get so distracted.  By things that aren't important.  You know...I'm sure you do, too.

I also need to begin making new dishes, experimenting more with this plant based eating we do...plus I might throw on a couple of reviews of especially yummy pre-made foods I find along the way.  I've got a few favorites, and I'm unsure of whether it is unlawful or whatever to do reviews without the companies' permission, but I think as long as I include a link to their website, then all will be well.  I've done that in the past (go read my previous posts...there are quite a few!) and so far, so good.

Happy New Year!  Eat healthy! Move that body!  Even walking is great exercise, especially if you do nothing right now...moving a little is much better than not moving at all!  Be intentional!  Find a way to be good to you and your body.  For me, I know that God wants the absolute best for me...body, mind and spirit...and I try to focus on that to guide me through into being all I can be.  I'm not always successful in following through, but hey I do try.  Plus, I don't want to be a helpless, weak and grumpy old lady that my kids may get saddled with taking care of.  

Onward and upward!